This scientific meeting is aiming at promoting research at the interface between chemistry and biology in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. It is open to all, from master students to researchers.
This event is sponsored by the "Fond d’animation interdisciplinaire" from the University of Bordeaux.
Registration to attend the symposium by November 3rd 2023:
Attendance is free but required for logistic reasons as lunch will be provided.
That space is limited to 120 participants.
If you'd like to present a poster, please register and submit an abstract to by Friday October 27th. Please use the abstract template available on the registration page. Slots will also be available for flash poster presentations (selected from the abstracts).
CBID2023 organizing committee:
Frédéric Friscourt (IECB/ISM), Elisabeth Garanger (LCPO), Jeanne Leblond-Chain (ARNA), Nicolas Martin (CRPP), Matthieu Sainlos (IINS), Elia Stahl (IECB/LBM), Emmanuelle Thinon (IECB/CBMN)
Preliminary program:
- 9:20-9:30 Introduction
- 9:30-9:45 Laurent Azéma (ARNA) / Title TBC
- 9:45-10:00 Morgane Pasco (CBMN) / Title TBC
- 10:00-10:15 Laura Alvarez (CRPP) / Title TBC
- 10:15-10:30 Matthieu Sainlos (IINS) / Title TBC
- 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-11:15 Jonathan Daniel (ISM) / Title TBC
- 11:15-11:30 Pauline Poinot (IC2MP) / Title TBC
- 11:30-12:20 Flash talks
- 12:20-14:30 Lunch and poster session
- 14:30-14:45 Speaker TBC (ISVV) / Title TBC
- 14:45-15:00 Amelie Bernard (LBM) / Title TBC
- 15:00-15:15 Sebastien Lecommandoux (LCPO) / Title TBC
- 15:15-15:30 Core Facilities Presentation
- 15:30-16:30 Round table / The chemistry and biology interface in Nouvelle Aquitaine
CBID 2023 Flyer
Dernière mise à jour :