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One-off events organized or co-organized by IMPACT (IMPACT funding and IMPACT members involved in the organizing committee)

IMPACT Kick-off - May 2022, CGFB

For a review of the IMPACT Kick-off click here.

Neuroscience Alliance : from anatomy to cognitive impairment - May 2023

Evénement lauréat de l'AAP colloque IMPACT 2022-2023

Organisé par Michel Thiebaut de Schotten (IMN), à Broca, campus Carreire

Imaging Workshop 2.0 - July 2023

Evénement lauréat de l'AAP colloque IMPACT 2022-2023

La deuxième édition d'Imaging Workshop s'est tenue à Bordeaux du 5 au 7 juillet 2023 à l'IHU Liryc.

L'ambition de cet événement était de créer un cadre de rencontre et d'échange sur la cardiologie, la neurologie, l'imagerie, le sport et le cœur. Dans cette perspective, ingénieurs, cliniciens, scientifiques, athlètes et autres professionnels étaient présents pour partager leur expertise dans ces domaines. L'objectif était de créer une atmosphère détendue et inspirante qui encourage les discussions interdisciplinaires, le partage des connaissances et les échanges fructueux.

Dans le cadre de cette manifestation a été également organisée le 7 juillet une course "fun run" à la forêt de bourgailh.
Organisateurs :
  • Aurélien Bustin :
  • Victor de Villedon :

Tract-Anat Retreat - March 2024

IMPACT Events Sponsoring 2024

The Tract-Anat retreat (March 11th to 15th, 2024, France) is the first in a series of international conferences designed to unite the entire community involved in the development of tractography algorithms to study brain anatomy and its related research applications to medicine. To this end, we are bringing together 55 world-leading experts (including 10+ clinicians) from the fields of tractography, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, neurosurgery, network science, and related disciplines. The retreat will facilitate innovative discussions and presentations that will shape the future of tractography.

Contact : Laurent Petit (GIN-IMN)

Journée de Neuroimagerie chez l'Humain 2024 (JNH 2024) - April 2024

Le 11 avril 2024 au Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine s'est tenue la Journée de Neuroimagerie chez l'Humain 2024 (JNH 2024).
Le but de cette journée scientifique était de dresser un panorama de l’ensemble des laboratoires bordelais qui se consacrent à la neuroimagerie chez l’Homme, en abordant les aspects cognitifs, cliniques et méthodologiques de la recherche sur le cerveau humain, en mettant en avant une approche commune : la neuroimagerie.
Pour plus d'infos, cliquez ici

Comité scientifique :

  • Sandra Chanraud (INCIA)
  • Gael Jobard (IMN)
  • Hervé Lemaître (IMN)
  • Emmanuel Mellet (IMN)
  • Sylvain Miraux  (RMSB)
  • Thomas Tourdias (Neurocentre Magendie)
  • Laure Zago (IMN)
Contact : Hervé Lemaître (
En partenanriat avec le Réseau Recherche Impulsion IMPACT

IMPACT Mid-term Scientific Day - June 2024

For a review of the IMPACT Mid-term Scientific Day, click here

MIDL 2024 Congress (Medical Imaging with Deep Learning) - July 2024

The MIDL conference aims to be a forum for deep learning researchers, clinicians and health-care companies to take a leap in the application of deep learning based automatic image analysis in disease screening, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment selection and treatment monitoring. The conference will have a broad scope and include topics such as computer-aided screening and diagnosis, detection, segmentation, (multi-modal) registration, image reconstruction and synthesis. Furthermore, we discuss issues such as the need for large curated and annotated datasets, noisy reference standards, and the high-dimensionality of medical data. Software demonstrations, presentation of medical data sets and innovative clinical applications are also covered as focus points for integration of deep learning algorithms in clinical practice.

MIDL currently offers a three-day program with keynote presentations from invited speakers, oral presentations, posters, and live demonstrations of deep learning algorithms from academia and industry.

More information:

Contact : Pierrick Coupé -

Sponsored by RRI IMPACT

IMPACT  Thematic conferences

IMPACT Thematic Conferences were set up every two months at the Institute of Bio-imaging (IBIO) with presentation from IMPACT members.

Conference - Up-to-date approaches to analyze and quantify inhomogeneous magnetization transfer (ihMT)

Speaker: Fanny Munsch

Date:  27/04/2023

Venue:  IBIO



Methods for analysis and quantification of ihMT data with a focus on brain studies will be described.

Cette présentation sera présentée au congrès de l'ISMRM (juin 2023) lors de la session Member Initiated Symposium intitulée:"Physical mechanisms, Methods, and Applications of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (ihMT)".





Conference - Imagerie thermique par IRM : applications en radiologie interventionnelle et perspectives en physiopathologie

Speaker: Valery Ozenne (CRMS, IHU Liryc, Bordeaux)

Date:  29/06/2023


Venue:  IBIO




Conference - Imaging brain glucose metabolism

Speaker: Christian Limberger, Université  fédérale Rio Grande del Sol de Porto Alegre, Brésil

Invited by Anne-Karine Bouzier-Sore

Date : jeudi 28 septembre / 14h00

Venue: IBIO, salle de conférence (RDC)

Vous pourrez également y assister via ce lien zoom
- Hervé Lemaître (
- Fanny Munsch (

Conference - What can functional neuroimaging tell us about the birth of symbolic behavior in humans?

Speaker: Emmanuel Mellet, directeur de recherche CNRS (IMN, GIN)

Date : jeudi 30 Novembre / 11h00

Venue: IBIO, salle de conférence (RDC)

Conference - Ecological approach in neuroimagery: Coupling MRI with Ecological Momentary Assesment in everyday life

Speaker: Valentine Chirokoff (INCIA)

Date:  25/01/2024

Venue:  IBIO, salle de conférence



« Ecological approach in neuroimagery: Coupling MRI with Ecological Momentary Assesment in everyday life »



Conferences - François Rheault (MIni, université de Sherbrooke) et Joël Lefebvre (LINUM, UQAM)

Nous avons eu le plaisir d'entendre les présentations de deux chercheurs du Quebec en visite au GIN.
  • François Rheault, Directeur du Medical Imaging and Neuroinformatic (MINi) Lab à l'Université de Sherbrooke nous présentera sa conférence : "All you need to know about tractometry or the art of brain spaghetti analysis"
  • Joël Lefebvre, Directeur du Digital Imaging, Neurophotonics and Microscopy Laboratory (LINUM) à l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), nous fera une présentation intitulée : "Introduction to neurophotonics and Optical Coherence Tomography serial histology for myelin imaging"


Conference - Super resolution ultrasound imaging from lab bench to bedside

Speaker: Georges Chabouh (LIB, Sorbonne Université)

Date:  30/05/2024

Venue:  IBIO, salle de conférence



« Super resolution ultrasound imaging from lab bench to bedside »

Ultrasound is a widely used medical imaging technique sensitive to blood flow. However, it is limited by the classic trade-off between penetration and resolution. Super-resolved ultrasound, particularly Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM), is a technique that can provide very high resolution deep within tissues. It relies on clinical contrast agents - microbubbles - that are isolated and localized on a micrometer scale in ultrasound images. Tracking their trajectory can provide blood velocities in the microcirculation. Recently, such a technique has been demonstrated in both the brain (Errico et al. Nature 2015) and in the kidney, tumors, peripheral vessels, and lymph nodes (as reviewed in Couture et al. IEEE UFFC 2018 or Christensen-Jeffries et al. UMB 2020).

In this presentation, we will describe recent advances in ULM. We will focus on the use of ULM for neurovascular diseases such as stroke. Additionally, we will describe the use of sULM (sensing-ULM) to reveal the fine functional structures of the kidney, glomeruli, in both animals and humans. All these developments aim to create a new imaging tool for stroke patients and to improve
the diagnosis of kidney diseases. In the future, ULM could potentially enable deep and portable micro-angiography, potentially reducing patient treatment times.



Conference - Neural imaging of Parkinson's disease; a worldwide consortium approach

Le 2 juillet 2024 au Bâtiment Biologie Santé, le Réseau Recherche Impulsion IMPACT a invité le Pr. Ysbrand van der Werf pour une conférence intitulée "Neural imaging of Parkinson's disease; a worldwide consortium approach".

Abstract :

MR investigations of Parkinson's disease have over the years led to inconsistent and irreproducible results due to small samples and  selection biases. We here apply a worldwide consortium approach (ENIGMA-Parkinson's disease) and use it to perform analyses on thousands of scans of PD patients and control subjects. Using the power of numbers we are able to show subtle yet meaningful, and unexpected, results that cut across socioeconomic, racial and geographical boundaries.
Contact :

Conference - The massive flexibility of human functional hemispheric brain organization

Le jeudi 26 septembre en salle de conférence de l'IBIO, Robin Gerrits, post-doctorant à l'Université de Ghent (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Experimental clinical and health psychology), a présenté dans le cadre des conférences thématiques IMPACT/IBIO sa conférence : “The massive flexibility of human functional hemispheric brain organization”



According to textbook descriptions of the functional organization of the human brain, the left hemisphere predominantly governs cognitive functions such as speech and manual praxis, while the right hemisphere assumes dominant control over other functions like spatial attention and face recognition. However, this stereotypical ‘hemispheric division of labor’ does not account for every single person. In fact, mounting evidence suggests that deviations from the typical pattern of functional hemispheric segregation are quite common even in ‘neurotypical’ populations. Moreover, neurologically healthy individuals also vary significantly from each other in the relative degree to which the dominant and non-dominant hemispheres are active during the performance of specific lateralized tasks, ranging from an outspoken asymmetry to a (nearly) symmetrical activation pattern. Examining this variability is a core interest of our lab and hence individual differences in hemispheric organization will be the topic of my talk. We have been investigating this topic by targeting samples with special cases of asymmetrical organization, such as individuals with a complete reversal of the visceral organs (situs inversus totalis), left-handers with right hemispheric language dominance and individuals with near-symmetrical brain activity during language production. During this talk I will give a brief overview of these studies and demonstrate the enormous flexibility of the asymmetrical organization of the human brain.


Conference - Investigating structure and function in the equine heart

This IBIO conference took place on Friday January 17 at 11am in the conference room.
We welcomed Lucy Kershaw from Centre for Cardiovascular Science and Edinburgh Imaging Facilities and John Keen from The Royal School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute who gave the following lecture about diffusion MRI and equine MRI who presented their conference: "Investigating structure and function in the equine heart"
The Thoroughbred is the consummate athletic performer amongst mammalian species, to a great extent as a consequence of its relatively large heart.  Despite the importance of the heart for performance, relationships between its structure and function are poorly understood.  Furthermore the so-called ‘athletic heart’ also puts the horse at risk of cardiac rhythm abnormalities that are associated with altered structure and function.
We are interested in deducing the relationship between structure and function in the equine heart, in health and disease, using novel imaging technologies.  This presentation will outline our preliminary work in this area and the goals we aim to achieve.
Lucy Kershaw is a Reader at University of Edinburgh and an MRI physicist working at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI. Before coming to Edinburgh, she worked in Manchester and Toronto, and her research focuses on the use of quantitative MRI in health and disease. She worked on quantitative imaging, accuracy and precision in DCE-MRI, T1 measurement, and comparison with other imaging modalities. Application of functional imaging to treatment planning, treatment monitoring and prognosis in a wide range of diseases and body areas including normal uterus and pancreas, and cancer of the prostate, cervix, bladder, head and neck. Recent work has been on novel contrast agents (Manganese, iron oxide) and joint imaging in the horse.
John Keen is a senior clinician in the Equine Hospital and Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Science. His clinical and research interests include all aspects of internal medicine, but with particular emphasis on cardiovascular disease, metabolic and endocrine disease and the potential links between these disorders.  John has extensive experience  in equine clinical cardiology in particular and, with two colleagues, runs a peripatetic transvenous electrocardioversion (TVEC) service for treating atrial fibrillation in horses, across the UK.
- Valéry Ozenne (
- Julie Magat (
- Hervé Lemaître (
- Fanny Munsch (

Conference - Deep Learning for Quantitative Analysis of Brain MRI

This IBIO conference took place on Thursday January 23 at 11am in the conference room.
We welcomed Pierrick Coupé, CNRS Research Director from the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI - In2Brain Research Group) who presented his conference: " Deep Learning for Quantitative Analysis of Brain MRI"

This conference presented our work dedicated to the quantitative analysis of cerebral MRIs, from the development of innovative methods to the production of new knowledge. First, I presented some of our brain analysis methods based on collective artificial intelligence. Then, I described our open access platform integrating our brain MRI segmentation tools. . Finally, I presented our recent BigData studies dedicated to lifespan modeling of normal aging and diseased brain. 
- Hervé Lemaître (
- Fanny Munsch (

STS Department Annual Science Days 

Participation and presentation of IMPACT to STS Department's scientific day

3rd STS Department Scientific Day – 24 November 2022, IECB

The STS department's annual scientific day was an opportunity for the IMPACT directors and coordinators to present its research and its future imaging teaching programs. It was also an opportunity to meet the recruited PhD students for IMPACT. 
For a full review of the STS department's day, click HERE!

4th STS Department Scientific Day - 23 november 2023, IECB

The day was an opportunity for young members of the RRI IMPACT to present the progress of their research through presentations (Elise Cosenza), flash communication (Amel Imene Hadj Bouzid) and posters (Fanny Dabrin, prize for the best poster).

For a review of the day, click here!

5th edition STS Scientific Day - 25 November 2024, Domaine du Haut-Carré

The day was an opportunity for Fanny Dabrin, member of the RRI IMPACT to present the progress of their research through a flash communication.

For a review of the day, click here!

Conferences organized by program members and linked to IMPACT

Conference - Lesion Network Symptoms Mapping and patient reeducation

Speaker: Aaron Boes, MD, PhD, University of Iowa
Invited by Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
Date: February 6th 2023 / 10:00-11:00
Venue: IBIO, conference room
Dr. Boes is a native Iowan and did his early training at the University of Iowa (B.S. 2003, MD, 2009, PhD 2009). He did residency in pediatrics at UC San Diego and pediatric neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He completed a fellowship in neuropsychiatry and noninvasive brain stimulation with Alvaro Pascual-Leone at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. In 2016 he joined the faculty at the University of Iowa. 

Conference - Functional UltraSound (FUS) Imaging

Speaker: Pierre Pouget, CNRS researcher, ICM, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
Invited by Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
Date: February 13th 2023 / 14:00-15:00
Venue: IBIO, conference room
Pierre Pouget is a CNRS researcher in neuroscience. At La Pitié-Salpétrière, he studies brain wiring in primates, focusing on eye movements, and looking at specific brain structures (the frontal eye field, the supplementary eye field and the anterior cingulate regions of the brain). 

Conference - Quantitative MRI and its application to visual neuroscience

Speaker : Hiromasa Takemura, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Okazaki (Japan)
Invited by Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
Date: March 16th 2023 / 15:00-16:00
Venue: IBIO, conference room
Hiromasa Takemura is currently working at the National Institute of Physiological Sciences in Japan. His current research focuses on using neuroimaging to clarify the relationship between the structure and function of the human brain.

Conference - Visual field maps and white matter tracts in the human visual system

Speaker : Hiromasa Takemura, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Okazaki (Japan)
Invited by Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
Date: March 17th 2023 / 09:30-11:00
Venue: BROCA Auditorium
Over the last several decades, system neuroscience has made substantial progress in understanding brain functions by measuring response properties of individual brain regions and their relation to behavior. However, it is not yet fully understood how such brain functions are related to the structural properties of the nervous system. To address unresolved question on structure-function relationship in the brain, one needs to understand how functional organization of the brain is related to the neuroanatomy. The visual system is an ideal system to address such question since functional organization principle of visual areas, such as visual field maps, and anatomical connections between areas are relatively understood. In this talk, I will describe recent studies investigating the relationship between functional organization of the visual areas and neuroanatomy of the visual system. First, I will describe a recent study (Miyata et al., 2022) investigating a relationship between the size of the human primary visual cortex (V1) and the optic tract by analyzing fMRI and diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) in the Human Connective Project 7T Retinotopy dataset (Benson et al., 2018), based on hypothesis from a previous post-mortem study (Andrews et al., 1997). Second, I will describe studies investigating the relationship between human extrastriate visual field maps (V3A/B and hV4) and the Vertical Occipital Fasciculus (VOF), which is a white matter tract connecting dorsal and ventral visual streams (Takemura et al., 2016). The analysis combining fMRI and dMRI suggests that the VOF is an important pathway for integration of upper and lower visual field information in the human visual system. In addition, I will discuss that such finding can be extended into non-human primate visual system (Takemura et al., 2017; 2020). Finally, I will briefly describe other recent projects in the lab, such as a parcellation of the visual thalamus using quantitative MRI (Oishi et al., 2023) and co
mparative diffusion MRI on visual white matter pathways.

Seminar – Structural and functional neuroanatomy of Autism Spectrum in women

Speaker : Hélène Vulser, Maître de Conférence – Praticien Hospitalier (MCU-PH)
Responsable du Centre du Neurodéveloppement Adulte Service de Psychiatrie Adulte, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris

Invited by Hervé Lemaître (GIN – IMN)

Date : vendredi 9 juin / 14:00

Venue: Centre Broca

The gender unbalance in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – 4:1, males to females – has led studies to focus mainly on males leaving one part of the population mostly unstudied. Explanations for such an imbalance have suggested a potential male bias resulting in females being historically under-recognized, or alternatively, that females harbor a protective effect making them less likely to develop autism. For example, female could engage in “compensation” showing fewer or less severe symptoms. In this case, studying autistic traits at a subclinical level could unreveal part of the behavioral aspect of ASD, particularly in women. Autistic traits have been defined as restricted activities/stereotypical behaviors and deficits in interaction and social communication as in ASD but at a subclinical level. The degree of these autistic traits is also referred to as the broader autism phenotype that can also be distributed along a continuum in the general population.
The neuroimaging field has also been affected by this gender unbalance and only few studies has tackled the question of brain correlates of ASD in women and even less in the framework of broad autism phenotype. However, structural and functional neuroanatomy studies in women with ASD are needed to uncover part of the heterogeneity due to gender within the neurobiology of ASD. Moreover, exploring autistic traits in women could help to understand how subclinical level of ASD interact with these brain correlates and if they might be used to predict clinical outcome or to adapt intervention in another framework than a clear cut between ASD and neurotypical individuals.

Seminar - Disconnectome, do we need it?

Speaker: Chris Foulon

Invited by Michel Thiebaut de Schotten

Venue: IBIO, espace k

Date: Decembre 7th, 2023, 11am

Introduction: The Disconnectome is the estimation of white matter disconnections after a brain injury. By analyzing the Disconnectome, we can better understand the effects of lesions on behaviour and recovery, compared to solely observing the lesion's location. Furthermore, the Disconnectome helps us improve our understanding of human cognitive functions.


Seminar - BraDiPho: Integrating diffusion tractography with photogrammetric dissection of the human brain

Speaker: Laura Vavassori

Invited by Michel Thiabaut de Schotten

Venue: IBIO, Espace k

Date: Decembre 7th, 11am

Introduction: The investigation of white matter anatomy remains somewhat divided between studies favouring ex-vivo microdissection and those prioritizing in-vivo tractography. We have developed BraDiPho (Brain Dissection Photogrammetry), an innovative an online/offline framework that currently integrates for the first time both ex-vivo microdissection and in-vivo dMRI-based tractography data of the human brain.

Journées nationales France Life Imaging (FLI)

Les journées nationales France Life Imaging (FLI) regroupant tous les Réseaux d'Expertise, se sont tenues les 11 et 12 décembre 2023 à Bordeaux.
Ces journées scientifiques répondent au double objectif :
• de faire émerger de nouvelles collaborations entre équipes françaises travaillant en imagerie médicale
• de faire un point sur les recherches menées en imagerie médicale et financés par FLI en France.
Durant ces journées scientifiques, on a pu y suivre des présentations de projets financés par FLI autour des technologies émergentes dans différents laboratoires en France.
Puis en fin de journées, une visite des principaux équipements ouverts à la communauté scientifique, en imagerie clinique et préclinique, a été organisée sur les sites de l'Institut de Bio-Imagerie et de l'IHU Liryc.
Anne Thevenoux (FLI)
Yannick Crémillieux (ISM)
Frédéric Lamare (INCIA)
Bruno Quesson (CRMSB)
Olivier Sandre (LCPO)
Emeline Ribot (CRMSB)

Séminaire TAD - "Structurer et propulser l'approche multivers pour l'analyse de données IRM faisant usage des techniques d'apprentissage automatique”

Date : 18 janvier 2024, 13h

Lieu : salle 76 LaBRI

Jeremy Lefort-Besnard, postdoc à Inria Rennes, présentera ses travaux "Structurer et propulser l'approche multivers pour l'analyse de données IRM faisant usage des techniques d'apprentissage automatique”.

*Titre* : Structurer et propulser l'approche multivers pour l'analyse de données IRM faisant usage des techniques d'apprentissage automatique

*Résumé* : Face à la crise de reproductibilité, la communauté de la neuroimagerie a réagi en instaurant diverses mesures, telles que le partage du code et la conteneurisation des environnements logiciels. Cependant, il est crucial de noter que ces mesures ne garantissent pas nécessairement la robustesse des résultats, c'est-à-dire leur stabilité face aux variations des procédures expérimentales. Pour améliorer cette robustesse, une approche pertinente consiste à prendre en considération de manière appropriée les sources essentielles de variations. L'idée de suivre simultanément de nombreux chemins analytiques dans le même ensemble de données, afin de donner du sens à un multivers de choix possibles, se présente comme une solution prometteuse pour atteindre cet objectif. Dans le cadre de mon projet de recherche, je propose une structuration du multivers spécifiquement dédiée à l'analyse de données IRM faisant usage des techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Ce projet vise à standardiser une méthodologie permettant un éclairage exhaustif de la variabilité des résultats engendrée par les choix analytiques, contribuant ainsi à renforcer la confiance et la fiabilité des résultats obtenus.
Contact : Pierrick Coupé (

Séminaire Numérique et Santé - Kilian Hett

Date : 25 janvier, 11h

Lieu : Amphithéâtre du LaBRI

Kilian Hett, Clinical Scientist, Department of Neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, nous présentera sa conférence :

"Novel non-invasive markers of the cerebrospinal fluid circuits: assessment of glymphatic clearance mechanisms"

Introduction: The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is mainly produced from the choroid plexus, located in the atrium of the lateral ventricles, passing through the 3rd ventricle and through the cerebral aqueduct to join the 4th ventricle before flowing to the more spread subarachnoid space. New hypotheses suggest that CSF is resorbed near the superior sinus, the so-called parasagittal dural space. The CSF circuit has an important function in nutrient delivery but also in brain waste clearance as it has a crucial role to play in the glial-lymphatic (glymphatic) system. Developing non-invasive methods to characterize this circuit is therefore essential to explore new hypotheses pertaining to impaired waste clearance and neurodegenerative diseases with proteinopathies, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. This offers novel perspectives for understanding neurophysiological processes that could impact clinical applications. Consequently, our research group has developed new methods to quantify structures implicated in the CSF circuits, spanning from production to egress. We investigated changes throughout the human lifespan and applied these methods to test hypotheses in cohort of patients with neurodegeneration.

Contact :

Seminar - Subjective cognitive decline, white matter hyper intensities and neurodegeneration

Subjective cognitive decline, white matter hyper intensities and neurodegeneration
Pr. Louis Collins (McGill, Montreal, CA)
18 juin, LaBRI

Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology may be present in the brain as many as 10-15 years before symptoms occur. As in most diseases, early treatment, before too much brain damage has been done, is likely to be more effective. However, accurately identifying people at risk of dementia due to AD early, before symptoms appear, is extremely difficult.  We have studied people with subjective cognitive decline - they have issues with memory or cognition, but not enough to be captured by standard cognitive tests. We will also study people with mild cognitive impairment - their memory issues can be measured with standard tests.  Both groups have significantly increased risk of later dementia, making them very interesting to study for early AD. In this talk, I will describe some of the methods we have developed to segment the hippocampus and to identify white matter hyper intensities and then use this data to study subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment.
Prof. Louis Collins joined McGill’s Faculty of Medicine with joint appointments in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery and the Department of Biomedical Engineering in 1999 as an Assistant professor, promoted to Associate Professor in 2006 and to Full Professor (professeur titulaire) in 2011 and named James McGill Professor in 2019 in recognition of his research, training, and teaching. He was named to Royal Society of Canada as fellow to the Academy of Science in recognition of the innovative development of medical image processing and analysis tools.
He heads the Neuro Imaging and Surgical Technologies (NIST) laboratory at the Brain Imaging Center of the Montreal Neurological Institute. His team of ~15 trainees and engineers develop and use computerized image processing techniques such as non-linear image registration and model-based segmentation to automatically identify structures within the human brain. His group has published over 390 peer reviewed papers and over 380 peer reviewed conference papers and abstracts  yielding a Google h-index=121. His research is detailed at .