Lucy Kershaw, lectrice à l'université d'Edimbourg, et John Keen, chercheur et clinicien (Equine Hospital and Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Science, Royal School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute), nous présenteront leur conférence : “Investigating structure and function in the equine heart”
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The Thoroughbred is the consummate athletic performer amongst mammalian species, to a great extent as a consequence of its relatively large heart. Despite the importance of the heart for performance, relationships between its structure and function are poorly understood. Furthermore the so-called ‘athletic heart’ also puts the horse at risk of cardiac rhythm abnormalities that are associated with altered structure and function.
Speakers presentation
- Lucy Kershaw is a Reader at University of Edinburgh and an MRI physicist working at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI. Before coming to Edinburgh, she worked in Manchester and Toronto, and her research focuses on the use of quantitative MRI in health and disease. She worked on quantitative imaging, accuracy and precision in DCE-MRI, T1 measurement, and comparison with other imaging modalities. Application of functional imaging to treatment planning, treatment monitoring and prognosis in a wide range of diseases and body areas including normal uterus and pancreas, and cancer of the prostate, cervix, bladder, head and neck. Recent work has been on novel contrast agents (Manganese, iron oxide) and joint imaging in the horse.
- John Keen is a senior clinician in the Equine Hospital and Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Science. His clinical and research interests include all aspects of internal medicine, but with particular emphasis on cardiovascular disease, metabolic and endocrine disease and the potential links between these disorders. John has extensive experience in equine clinical cardiology in particular and, with two colleagues, runs a peripatetic transvenous electrocardioversion (TVEC) service for treating atrial fibrillation in horses, across the UK.
- Valéry Ozenne (
- Julie Magat (
-Hervé Lemaître (
- Fanny Munsch (
Les conférences thématiques bimestrielles IBIO/IMPACT
Tous les deux mois, la plateforme IBIO et le Réseau Recherche Impulsion IMPACT, vous proposent des conférences sur le thème de l'imagerie.
Ces conférences sont l'occasion de mettre en lumière les travaux des membres de la communauté bordelaise en imagerie mais également d'entendre des conférenciers et des conférencières extérieur.e.s au site bordelais sur des thèmes de recherche innovants.
Ces conférences ont ainsi pour objectif non seulement de consolider les liens existants au sein de la communauté bordelaise mais également d'en tisser de nouveaux avec des chercheurs et des chercheuses d'autres universités.
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