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Séminaire ARNA - Pr. Stefan Vogel, University of Southern Denmark

Le laboratoire ARNA a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence de Stefan Vogel intitulée "Lipidated oligonucleotides (LiNAs): biomembrane fusion, programmed chemistry and delivery of therapeutic oligonucleotides".

BBS, amphithéâtre


Membrane anchoring of biomolecules is a natural process and observed for proteins, RNA and glycolipids but not described for DNA. However, the membrane surface of biological and artificial lipid bilayers can be engineered by lipidated nucleic acids (LiNAs), introducing new functionality to the surface of lipid nanoparticles or cell membranes. LiNAs can be classified as SNARE mimics, SNARE proteins control biomembrane fusion in eukaryotes, and LiNAs provides the key functionality of SNAREs. In contrast to SNARE-dependent eukaryotic vesicle processing, artificial LiNA fusion exploits the encoding-potential of DNA/PNA hybridization for liposomes and extracellular vesicles (EVs).

The fusion platform is suitable for applications in the bottom-up construction and operation of lipid
nanoreactors and applicable from nanoscale (< 100 nm) to cell sized lipid particles (> 10.000 nm). In the field of synthetic biology, fusion cascades with efficient content mixing to facilitate design and construction of multi-component artificial cellular systems. LiNAs are also applicable for liposomal delivery and biomimetic hybrid particles in the delivery and formulation of therapeutic oligonucleotides.


Tian X., Risgaard N. A., Löffler P. M. G., Vogel S.*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 36, 19633–19641 & P. M. G. Löffler, O. Ries, A. Rabe, A. H. Okholm, R. P. Thomsen, J. Kjems and S. Vogel*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 13228–13231. Malle, M. G. Löffler, P. M. G., Bohr, S. S.-R., Sletfjerding, M. B., Risgaard, N. A., Jensen, S. B., Zhang, M., Hedegaard P., Vogel, S.*, Hatzakis Nikos S.*, Nat. Chem., 2022, 14(5), 558–565. Malle, M. G., Song P., Löffler P. M. G., Kalisi N., Yan Y., Valero J., Vogel S.*, Kjems J*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, accepted. Bakowski, K. and Vogel, S.*, RNA Biology, 2022, 19(1), pp. 1256–1275. S. Cogoi, U. Jakobsen, E. B. Pedersen, Vogel* & L. E. Xodo*, Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 1-13. & A. Ferino, G. Miglietta, R. Picco, S. Vogel, J. Wengel and L. E. Xodo, RNA Biology, 2018 15:10, 1273-1285.


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